Grow effectively
and tailored to your needs
We know from own experience how important it is to be heard and understood. We know both, the perspective of the consultant and the perspective of the consulted customer. Therefore, an intensive and open dialogue with you is our top priority. We listen very thoroughly to gain a clear understanding of your perspective, since only you know your very own individual challenges. Together we will discuss how to move ahead. In doing so, we make sure that the golden threat is always visible and that the reason for what we are doing and how this supports your transformation goals, is thus always clear to you. Together we break down complex topics pragmatically and identify possible levers and areas of improvement. This way it is always clear, where a measure is currently taking effect and how it supports your overall goals.
It goes without saying that all our training offers are flexible and will be adapted to your individual needs. The effectiveness of our measures and your resulting success are our highest priority.
and all 4 perspectives in sight
Viewed holistically, with the agile attitude as solid foundation, the full potential of agility can unfold. We are convinced that this way effectiveness and benefits increase many times over, thus contributing sustainable business value, also in uncertain times. Today, still too many agile transformations focus too much on the methods alone, resulting into limited and often disappointing business value.

The diagram illustrates our integral model of agile organizational development. We always consider the individual person as well as the group, the company as a whole. Furthermore, we differentiate between internal characteristics, such as personal attitude or culture, and the way in which these become visible to the outside, for instance which behaviour is shown, the way people collaborate, which methods are being used, how the organisation is structured.
Depending on your company’s maturity level, one or the other quadrant might possibly be well developed.It is vital, though, to also look at the quadrants that have been neglected so far, because the better all 4 quadrants are in harmony, the more successful agile work will be in the long run.
and with you in the lead
We offer new, innovative and effective training formats, a unique train-your-trainers concept as well as lean and digital ad hoc solutions such as our Remote Agile Coaching and our ReReRe-Team-Workshops, a remote team retrospective focusing on collaboration and the team’s learning process. This way we can support your current challenges virtually and promptly. New impulses and a focused exchange at point of need can help solving a knot and tackle a challenge early in the process. And you remain in the lead! We are sure – most times you know best, when, where and how you would most effectively be supported. Go for it!
Many of our trainings effectively combine your personal experience with coaching elements and the networking aspect. In your role as an active, agile sparring partner you contribute a large part to the success, too. We see ourselves as your learning coaches, facilitating and supporting your learning process. Particularly intensive trainings are being accompanied by 2 trainers.
In order to ensure motivating experience learning in virtual space as well, most of our interactive live online formats are also carried out with 2 trainers. The concepts of our virtual trainings are the result of our own experiments and experiences. You would like to conduct your trainings yourself? With pleasure. With our innovative Train-your-Trainers format we are happy to support you in terms of content, design and method and thus help you ensure the development of your employees even on a tight budget.