and learn
Fail to win
Agile Project Mgmt
Your Challenge
Are your customers 100% satisfied when your project is completed? Do you really know how to answer to their needs and where and how to add most value for them? Today, but also in the future?
You want to make sure that you don’t misinterpret your customer’s demands in our fast-moving times. Agile methods can help by focusing all attention back on the customer and their needs. But when used in the wrong context, they are more or less ineffective. The widely used method Scrum, for example, is not equally suitable for every project.
Sometimes less is more. Without a profound understanding of agile project management and potential methods and tools, applying them can be frustrating and a complete waste of time and resources. It may in fact be more effective to complement traditional project work with just a few selected agile techniques. Therefore, understanding which agile method to apply when is key. Learn to judge for yourself and don‘t miss out on any of the great benefits of agile project work.
The Agile Answer
Fail early and fail often! Agile project management refers to a way of thinking and acting that makes projects dynamic and flexible, thus ensuring that the product is the greatest value for the customer.
Transparency and trust are of utmost importance and the customer is the center of attention all of the time. Fast experiments and regular feedback loops make up the majority of the project work, and mistakes are a crucial part of the process that guide the learning process.
We have a variety of agile methods at our disposal to support our clients. Scrum for instance supports self-organized work and iterative, experimental project work. Kanban provides transparency and a clear focus on the identification of problems, visualizes dependencies and optimizes processes. Scrumban effectively combines both methods. Design Thinking is a concept for creative problem solving with the goal of generating as many new ideas as possible and thus achieving real innovation in the end.
Our Offers
2 Modules - 1 In-Person & 1 Remote
Agile Project Mgmt
Effective agile methods
in project work
Project managers, sub-project leads, managers and employees, who would like to gain an overview over agile tools and methods being used in projects.
1 Präsenz-Modul (2 Tage), 1 LiveOnline Modul (90 Minuten)
You will get a comprehensive overview over agile tools and methods to be used in projects. You will experience and understand the use of each methods, when and when not to use them and which agile tools you may implement in a traditional environment, too.
You understand the meaning of an agile mindset to support agile project work and know how to embed this in your teams.
2 Modules - 1 In-Person & 1 Remote
Certification Training
Scrum Master
& Product Owner
Scrum Masters and Product Owners to-be, new scrum teams, project managers, sub-project leads, anybody curious who would like to know what work under Scrum looks like.
1 Präsenz-Modul (2 Tage), 1 LiveOnline Modul (90 Minuten), optional 1 zusätzlicher Praxis-Tag. Die Zertifizierung wird wie üblich im Nachgang online abgenommen.
You may look forward to a condensed overview and insights to the agile method Scrum, its roles, artefacts and events. Experience important elements yourself. Understand, which techniques you could use in projects, also when not applying Scrum.
Additionally you will be best prepared for your Scrum Master (PSM I) and/or Product Owner (PSPO I) certification (scrum.org).
3 modules - 1 in-person & 2 remote
Scrum Master
in Action
Self organised collaboration and teamwork
Scrum Masters, who understand the Scrum methodology and who would like to increase effective team work within their scrum team.
1 in-person module (2 days), 2 liveOnline modules (90 minutes each).
Option 1: LiveOnline Training possible, 100% remote.
Option 2: also available as team workshop
Agile sparring partner support the learning process as well as the transfer into practice.
Master your Scrum Master role professionally and effective. Support your team in the required mindshift toward a more self-organised teamwork within Scrum.
You will know how to establish agile values within your team, how to foster honest feedback, how to increase transparency and live trust and respect, thus increasing courage and commitment.
Agile Coaching
in-person or remote
Achieve Scrum mode
quickly & successfully
Your personal support:
individual & to the point
Scrum Masters, new in their role, who would like to increase their learning curve quickly and effectively. Scrum Masters, who are looking for an experienced sparring partner and coach to collaborate, reflect, get new ideas and support at point of need.
Agile Coaching, in-person, remote or both, regular or sporadic, planned or spontaneous.
Support, when you need it, for your personal challenges and to keep yourself and your Scrum team motivated during this learning phase.
Learn how to best facilitate retrospectives and other Scrum events, gain ideas for the introduction of agile values and learn about new agile tools for supporting a self-organised learning culture etc.
This will drastically increase your learning curve and make your Scrum team perform professionally and successfully much quicker.
Resolve Entrenched Conflicts
Back to finding solutions
and your ability to act
Managers, Scrum Masters, Product Owners etc, with conflicts in their teams that cannot be solved in a personal meeting.
In-person or remote, facilitation of teams or dedicated groups, length depending on situation.
We help you to get you and your team back into acting mode and to find a solution for everybody to live with.
Team conflicts can threaten to destroy the team, but they don't have to. Having a strong, neutral facilitator and a process for conflict resolution can reduce tensions and bring you back to solution and doing mode.
Experience tells us that unmanaged conflicts get bigger rather than smaller over time. They take everybody's attention and energy and make people focus on the wrong things. Don't let this happen and get neutral support as early as possible.