Up-to-date for newcomers and the curious:
Your agile interactive online experience
agile2go – experience and understand Agility
Do you know this? Everyone is talking about agile, many organizations are now 'doing' it, employees are annoyed because they don't really know what agile actually means, but they 'have to work agile' because everyone is doing it... - or management wants it that way.
But what exactly does agility mean?
And is it also something for you personally, for your team, your project or your organization? Do you have to change completely for this, or can you pick out individual elements?

Agile working is a way to actively create the environment so you don't stay in reaction mode. It gives you the chance to set up your teams and your company in a more dynamic and flexible way and to use the bundled expertise of everyone.
Does that sound promising?
It is - applied in the right context, agile working has many advantages, but in the wrong setting, or implemented unprofessionally, it can quickly become counterproductive. In order to acquire this increasingly important agility competence in a short time, this compact training with 4 online modules of 90 minutes each was developed. We approach the topic of 'agile working' in a holistic and practice-oriented way.
Do you know your agile options?
If so, you don't need to read any further here. Otherwise, you should know your agile options, to stay responsive. Doing nothing is seldom the best answer, nor is rushing headlong into introducing new agile methods like Scrum. What then? Today, many things can be googled, and often we are more confused after than before. On the topic of agility, you can find everything - and nothing. This training has already helped many people to untangle the agile confusion.
2 halbe Tage oder 1 Tag
Ihre nächsten Termine
Auf Anfrage
4 Module je 90 Minuten
individuell nach Ihrem Bedarf
Gern erstellen wir Ihnen ein Angebot!
What is so special about this training?
Expect nothing less than an agile interactive online experience! You will not only learn about important aspects of agile working, but also experience them live - live agile about agile. In addition, you will benefit from new impulses and agile tools that you can also use in a traditional environment in an enriching way - right after the training. And you will be able to have a competent say and make valid decisions in the future.
Highlight 1:
The training itself makes use of numerous agile elements. Along the way, you will learn agile tools that will spice up your own work in the future, as well as a digital collaboration tooll, compliant with German data protection rules.
Highlight 2:
Interactive online format, modular and holistic, put together for you by experts: A compact and enjoyable overviewthat conveys understanding, is fun and makes you want to try new things.
Ihr persönlicher Gewinn
What's in it for you
Neue Erkenntnisse & Tools
Fundiert & praxisnah zum sofortigen Einsatz – für jeden!
Ganzheitlich und auf den Punkt
So können Sie entscheiden!
Kleingruppen, interaktiv, motivierend
Zum Nachahmen!
Kompaktes Format, gut investierte Zeit
Hohe Wirksamkeit & Fokus auf Transfer!
Direkt vom Homeoffice oder Büro
Immer sicher, bequem und bereits heute verlässlich planbar!
Die vier Module
At a glance
Grundlagen der Agilität
9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
- Agile Vernissage
- Agilität – eine Definition, das Was und das Wie
- Die 4 Ebenen agilen Arbeitens und das agile Manifest
Agile Werte & Prinzipien
9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
- The Agile Mindset
- Retrospektive – Phasen, Formate, Best Learnings
- Agile Sparringspartner
Agile Methoden
9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
- Agilität persönlich erleben – Aha-Effekte im Spiel
- Scrum, Kanban, Scrumban, Design Thinking
- Welche Methode eignet sich wann und wann nicht?
Agile Techniken & Value Proposition
9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
- Agile Techniken
- Agile Highlights in einem klassischen Umfeld
- Ihre persönliche Retrospektive & Transfer
Melden Sie sich noch heute an!
Simply and directly via email.
Schicken Sie uns am besten noch heute eine Email für Ihre Anmeldung oder auch für eine unverbindliche Anfrage.
Your Learning Coach
Freuen Sie sich auf Christine Herzog, Ihre Agilitätsspezialistin, eine Expertin aus der Praxis, die Ihre Bedenken und Restriktionen aus eigener Erfahrung kennt und immer eine pragmatische Idee im Gepäck hat – Sie werden es sicher nicht bereuen!
Christine Herzog
Founder agile4success, Agile Transformation Guide
globetrotter, efficiency monster, outdoor freak, process optimizer
Can-do attitude with heart and mind, analytical and pragmatic, empathetic and full of energy with the goal of sustainable activating and inspiring people.
Consultant, certified Business Trainer (BDVT), Agile Coach
Scrum Master & Product Owner (scrum.org certified)
International management experience as well as project experience, including agility and new way of working transformations
10 years of top management consulting & 10 years of international corporation, local and abroad