Aktuelle Trainings

Unsere Angebote im Januar und Februar 2021

First Agile Steps

Your Challenge

Nutzen Sie heute digitale Möglichkeiten, die es vor kurzem noch nicht gab? Oder die Sie nicht kannten? Wie hat die Digitalisierung Ihr persönliches Leben in den letzten Jahren verändert? Die Digitalisierung schreitet voran und wird durch die Corona-Krise eher noch verstärkt als gebremst.

Suddenly and without any warning, plans have become obsolete and people are starting over. Which insights and new habits that have formed during the crisis would you like to maintain? Which opportunities would you like to take advantage of? Are you at the start of your transformation or in the middle of it?

How adaptable is your company today? And how do you want to react to unforeseen challenges in the future? Might a more agile way of working help? And what exactly does agility mean in the first place? 

Kann agileres Arbeiten hier überhaupt helfen? Was genau bedeutet Agilität überhaupt?

The Agile Answer

Agility describes the ability of a company to continuously adapt to its complex and uncertain environment. Agile thinking and acting is crucial in navigating a seamless and continuous adaptation. It is the answer to:

  • the increasing speed with which projects are being expected to be completed today,
  • an increasing - often digitalized - market dynamic including new players
  • and unforeseen challenges of any kind.

Agilität rückt den Kunden in den Fokus, denn dessen Wahlmöglichkeiten nehmen zu – nicht nur durch die klassischen Wettbewerber, sondern immer wieder auch durch neue, noch vor wenigen Jahren ungeahnte Alternativen. 

Agilität weckt zudem ungeahnte Kräfte durch ein neues Miteinander und fördert gleichzeitig die emotionale Bindung der Mitarbeiter.

Our Offers

Ihr ganz persönlicher Gewinn:

2 Trainerinnen – 2 Expertinnen ntensiv & individuell!

Neue Erkenntnisse & Tools zum sofortigen Einsatz für jeden!

Ganzheitlich und auf den Punkt hilfreich & umsetzbar!

Kompaktes Format, gut investierte Zeit hohe Wirksamkeit und Transfer

Direkt vom Homeoffice oder Büro sicher, bequem und geht immer!

Ihr persönliches Coaching unser Geschenk für Sie!

kostenloses Erstgespräch

Are You Ready?

Your agility-level
analysis & useful first steps

executives, directors, decision makers

non-binding conversation, in-person or remote

You understand the integral model of agility, its 4 quadrants (attitude, behaviour, culture, organisation) and how these depend upon another.

You analyze your company's current position including concrete options to become more agile step by step, without asking too much of your employees.

You prioritise what's in your heart. 

Orientation Workshop

agile 2 go

How much agility is needed?
Where could it be useful?

managers, project leaders and employees interested in agile principles, practices and possible benefits

1 day Workshop, in-person or remote, 1 liveOnline exchange (90 min) to follow-up

You experience agility and gain an overview of agile tools and methods as well as prerequesites for their usage. 

You understand if and where agile working might be useful and which aspects could support your company right away, also in a still traditional environment. 

The online meeting is a great opportunity for exchange and collaboration, for getting your questions answered and for benefiting from useful tips.

Beratung & Begleitung

Your Agile Pilot Project

agile working in action

executives, directors, decision makers, project leaders

consulting and agile coaching during implementation, in-person and/or remote

You will experience agile working and learn how to get it startet, for instance by setting up a small project more agile. You try out agile tools and receive valuable feedback right away. You will understand what benefit agility can bring and what conditions would have to be put in place for sustainable success. 

You will experiment and learn with the direct support and feedback of your agile Coach.

Christine Herzog

Founder agile4success, Agile Transformation Guide

globetrotter, efficiency monster, outdoor freak, process optimizer

Can-do attitude with heart and mind, analytical and pragmatic, empathetic and full of energy with the goal of sustainable activating and inspiring people.

Consultant, certified Business Trainer (BDVT), Agile Coach

Scrum Master & Product Owner (scrum.org certified)

Führungserfahrung sowie Projekterfahrung, auch remote

Erfahrungen aus 10 Jahren Unternehmensberatung & 10 Jahren internationalem Konzern, im In- und Ausland.

At a glance: our consulting, training and coaching formats