Our Current Online-Training for Agile Managers

Agile Leadership to go

How do you feel in this what seems like a never-ending pandemic? Are you exhausted and tired like so many of us? Do you miss the spontaneous exchange with friends, colleagues and your own team?

Sure, the initially exciting learnings, the small successes and the steep learning curve were pleasing. But the constant caution in all our interpersonal encounters and the strains caused by the pandemic are wearing on everyone's nerves.

However, your team needs you right now, maybe more than ever!

A good starting point lies in yourself and in reflecting yourself and your own leadership. How are you doing right now, truly, how are you currently leading your team? Do you manage the balancing act between distance from the home office and personal closeness? How are your employees doing these days? Are you talking to them about this? What is their view on their personal situation?

VMany managers have had to experience that their leadership style is not achieving the desired effect in the current situation. There is a strong desire for more innovative and, under the given circumstances of uncertainty and complexity, increasingly agile leadership methods - but what does this mean for you personally?


& Coaching

Ihre Termine

3 Termine à 2 Stunden
Ihr persönliches Coaching
nächste Terminserie auf Anfrage.

Für insgesamt nur 495,- €
zzgl. MwSt

Why don't you treat yourself to an effective update for your leadership! 

Look forward to inspiring collaboration and exchange and many new tools to surprise your team with fresh thoughts and new impulses.

In our interactive online training, we will take you into the world of agile working - and you will win in many ways:

In 3 modules of only 2 hours each, you will experience how to create a more effective leadership culture in just a few steps and how to achieve new experiences and successes together with your team. You will see - the key is simple and clear: Selected agile tools combined with a broader agile mindset.  

However, the implementation in practice is often not easy, we all know that, unfortunately. That's why you will benefit from many practical impulses that you can immediately test out for yourself and also use in an enriching way in any classic environment. Our 4th module is about the transfer of your knowledge and new experiences. In order to anchor this successfully, you will be accompanied by individual coaching.

Ihr persönlicher Gewinn

What's in it for you

Neue Erkenntnisse & Tools
Fundiert & praxisnah zum sofortigen Einsatz – für jeden!

2 Trainerinnen – 2 Expertinnen
Intensiv & individuell!

Ganzheitlich und auf den Punkt
Hilfreich & umsetzbar!

Kompaktes Format
Gut investierte Zeit mit hoher Wirksamkeit und Fokus auf Transfer!

Direkt vom Homeoffice oder Büro
Immer sicher, bequem und bereits heute planbar!

Ihr persönliches Coaching
Unser Geschenk für Sie!

Die vier Module

At a glance


Führung mit Agilität verbinden

9 a.m. - 11 a.m.

  • Agilität – eine Definition, das Was und Wie
  • Die 4 Ebenen agilen Arbeitens & das agile Manifest
  • Was heißt das für Ihre Führung?
  • Vernetzen & Bilden agiler Sparringspartner


Auf die Haltung kommt es an

9 a.m. - 11 a.m.

  • Selbstreflexion, aktuelle Denk- & Handlungsmuster, persönliche Werte
  • Agile Werte und ihre Wirkung
  • Hinderliche Glaubenssätze erkennen und positiv umformulieren
  • Agile Werte mit Leben füllen, wirksame Denk- und Handlungsoptionen definieren


Engagement und psychologische Sicherheit im Team fördern

9 a.m. - 11 a.m.

  • Mächtige agile Tools für leistungsstarke Teams
  • Kollaborative und effektive Teamarbeit ermöglichen
  • Fehler- und Lernkultur etablieren
  • Feedforward und selbstorganisiertes Lernen fördern

MODUL IV - Ihr nachhaltiger Transfer

Ihr ganz
persönliches Coaching

Suitable time by arrangement

  • Wir bleiben dran – und unterstützen Ihre Fortschritte!
  • Individuelles agiles Coaching inklusive (45 Min pro Teilnehmer)
  • Austausch und Reflexion mit Ihrem agilen Sparringspartner
  • Auf Wunsch weitere Einzel-Coachings / Begleitung als agiler Coach

Melden Sie sich noch heute an!

Simply and directly via email.

Schicken Sie uns am besten noch heute eine Email für Ihre Anmeldung oder auch für eine unverbindliche Anfrage.

Wer sind wir?

Freuen Sie sich auf ein einmaliges Bündel der Expertise zweier Expertinnen. Claudia Christen, Executive Coach & Organisationsentwicklerin sowie Christine Herzog, Ihre Agilitätsspezialistin.

Christine Herzog

Founder agile4success, Agile Transformation Guide

globetrotter, efficiency monster, outdoor freak, process optimizer

Can-do attitude with heart and mind, analytical and pragmatic, empathetic and full of energy with the goal of sustainable activating and inspiring people.

Consultant, certified Business Trainer (BDVT), Agile Coach

Scrum Master & Product Owner (scrum.org certified)

International management experience as well as project experience, including agility and new way of working transformations

10 years of top management consulting & 10 years of international corporation, local and abroad

Claudia M. Christen

Executive Coach & Trainer

linguistic artist, out of the box thinker, provocatist, constellation enabler

Networker with passion for interpersonal space and change processes with the ambition to bring people forward. 

Executive Coach, Trainer, Team Development Specialist

Train-the-Trainer (IHK Koblenz certified)

Co-active Coach (CTI certified – The Coaches Training Institute, London)

Hogan Assessments Systems, Inc., USA (certified)

Management experience in personal and organisational development and over ten years of institutional client consulting in the financial industry.